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showing up for yourself

Posted on February 19 2020

 Showing up for yourself is a simple & powerful way to start the day with intention.

Being aligned with how you feel & how you want to feel (if that's different) sets the tone for everything about your day.

What you wear on your body & how you feel in it can be easily overlooked. 

What we put on most likely varies by the day, the occasion, maybe by who you'll be seeing or not seeing. It could even be based on a mood or the weather. 

One day powerfully feminine, another day more sexy, even the 'leave me alone' days can be expressed in your outfit right down to the intimates level. 

Paying attention to your intention can help in discerning the difference of how you feel on the days you put in effort to show up for yourself. 

How to use intimates to show up for yourself:

Think about what you want. The energy you want to have & embody. 

Choose with intention. Consider your day & what or who is on the calendar. What outfit will you wear? What will you be doing while wearing it? Who will you see? How do you want to feel and therefore put out that energy? Whether powerful, sexy, comfortable or something else.

Dress for yourself. For your own mood, or the one you want to have, & how you want to express yourself. 

Start to look at the reasons behind what you're putting on & see if it changes the way you think about getting dressed, & how you feel throughout the day. Do you notice a change in how you carry yourself, express yourself, and how other people respond to you?

When you show up for yourself, it shows, whether you're around other people or not. Even if it's with intimates that others can't see, there's a different way you show up when you've shown up for yourself through being (& dressing) with intention. 

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